
Glossary / Search Term:

Major transaction

— Corporate

Transaction with the value of at least 25% of the legal entity’s balance sheet, unless otherwise provided for in the charter, which generally requires a (qualified) approval by the general shareholder meeting or board of directors.

Maternity leave

— Employment

Period of time of at least 70 days before and at least 70 days after an employee’s childbirth during which the employee is absent from work, subject to exceptions. The relevant monthly compensation is paid by the Russian Social Insurance Fund.

Measures of non-tariff regulation

— Customs Law

Non-economic methods of regulating import/export of goods (e.g. sanitary and phytosanitary, quality conditions, national security measures etc.).


— Corporate

Reorganisation procedure whereby two legal entities consolidate into one (former legal entities terminate, and a new one is created based on joint assets).

Merger control

— Competition

Compulsory prior approval by Russian competition authorities of a merger, acquisition, incorporation of a legal entity or a JV, or certain transactions, provided that certain thresholds and the local effects test are met.


— Land law

Type of security, that arises under a mortgage agreement between the mortgagee and the mortgagor, under which the former is entitled to take possession/sell the mortgaged property (i.e. real estate) in the event of default under the secured obligation.

Major transaction

— Corporate

Transaction with the value of at least 25% of the legal entity’s balance sheet, unless otherwise provided for in the charter, which generally requires a (qualified) approval by the general shareholder meeting or board of directors.

Maternity leave

— Employment

Period of time of at least 70 days before and at least 70 days after an employee’s childbirth during which the employee is absent from work, subject to exceptions. The relevant monthly compensation is paid by the Russian Social Insurance Fund.

Measures of non-tariff regulation

— Customs Law

Non-economic methods of regulating import/export of goods (e.g. sanitary and phytosanitary, quality conditions, national security measures etc.).


— Corporate

Reorganisation procedure whereby two legal entities consolidate into one (former legal entities terminate, and a new one is created based on joint assets).

Merger control

— Competition

Compulsory prior approval by Russian competition authorities of a merger, acquisition, incorporation of a legal entity or a JV, or certain transactions, provided that certain thresholds and the local effects test are met.


— Land law

Type of security, that arises under a mortgage agreement between the mortgagee and the mortgagor, under which the former is entitled to take possession/sell the mortgaged property (i.e. real estate) in the event of default under the secured obligation.